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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Internalization of Moral Character Values through the Role of Dalihan natolu (Case Study on Manyonggot-Manyonggoti Tradition of the Angkola Batak Tradition)

Nahriyah Fata, Kama Abdul Hakam, Momod Abdul Somad, Yadi Ruyadi


The Indonesian government emphasizes that customary and cultural values ​​must not be abandoned in carrying out every aspect of the life of the nation and state. However many young people seem to stutter about their own nation's culture and even local wisdom values ​​are increasingly being eroded by global changes that have penetrated the world. Therefore, re-discovering local values ​​to be used as a model of value education is urgent. This study aims to describe the internalization of local wisdom values ​​through the role of dalihan natolu in the manyonggot-nyonggoti tradition which is character education for pregnant women. The method used is a qualitative approach with a qualitative-phenomenological approach paradigm, namely describing the meaning of the informant's life related to concepts or phenomena carried out in natural settings. Therefore, researchers interact closely with research subjects to find the meaning of information and social settings extracted from informants. The informants of this research consisted of Mora, Kahanggi, Anak Boru, and traditional leaders. The results showed that the manyonggot-nyonggoti tradition contains very good character values ​​to be explored and used as a model for character education in the Angkola Batak and Indonesian society in general. Several character values ​​were found, such as: moral values, social values ​​(empathy, caring) and religious values, discipline, independence, help each other, love, generous and respect for gifts. Therefore, it can be said that the manyongot-nyonggoti tradition is very good to be explored and used as a model for character education.


Internalization of Values, Dalihan natolu, Character values, Local wisdom

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