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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

An Empirical Approach on Online Radec Learning Model: Does it Affect on Elementary Students’ Creative Thinking Skills?

Yudi Yanuar, Wahyu Sopandi, Udin Saefuddin Saud, Cepi Riyana


Creative thinking is one of the essential skills that need to be provided to students. However, many teachers do not fully understand how to train creative thinking skills well in the learning process in the classroom, primarily online. This study aims to comprehensively understand how the online Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-Create (RADEC) learning model affects students' creative thinking skills in elementary schools. Study using a quantitative approach with a one-shot case study design that looked at the opinions before and before treatment. As many as 63 students were selected as samples. Data was collected using a non-test instrument in a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The results showed that the online RADEC learning model could help the creative thinking skills of elementary school students in the medium category. Several obstacles were found, such as the seriousness of students in learning online, an unstable internet network, and the packaging of digital teaching materials prepared by the teacher, so this needs to be considered for further research.


online; RADEC; learning model; creative thinking; elementary students

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