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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Descriptive study on Gibran Khalil Gibrans‘ Point of view about Religion and Religious Thought

Abdolah Rahimi, Rooholah Samadi


Gibran Khalil Gibran was born in Christian family in Lebanon. His mother was a virtuous woman who could familiar him with religious principle from childhood .After some years, he went to the west. He spent the best of his life time there. He made himself a great author and poet by his interest and talent in literature .The comparison between culture of west and south in Gibrans mind caused a great change in his life .Although, Niches’ thought had great effect on him and he acted independent on religious in world analysis and had been called infidel, we cant ignore his holy life and affection song which replaced by rebellious and also some of his mystically educations which gave for human who drowned in material things. In this paper, the researchers tried to investigate different part of Gibrans’ character and his belief about Islam, the Jews and Christ, so the method which applied by researchers was descriptive.


Gibran Khalil Gibran, Christ ,the Jews, Islam

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