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Dizon, Rosemariebeth R., Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Djumingin, Sulastriningsih
Dobrianska, Nataliia, Таврический национальный университет имени В. И. Вернадского
Dolat Yari, Narges
Dolatyari, Narges
Dolisso, Daniel Desta
Donghui, Zhang
Donghui, Zhang, School of Economics, Shandong University China (China)
Donuqezelbash, Hassan
Doost Ali, Ahmad
Doosti, Abdullah
Doosti Irani, Mehri
Dori, Behrouz
Doulati Baneh, Hamed
Dubova, Yulia, Volgograd State Technical University
Dungca, Julieta Z., Centro Escolar University
Dungca, Julieta Z., School of Science and Technology, Centro Escolar University
Düzenli, Tugba, karadeniz teknik üniversitesi
Düzenli, Tugba, Karadeniz Technical University
D’ Souza, Lancy


E. Alamri, Hani
E. Nwamuo, Bright
Ebadi Jokandan, Seyed Karam
Ebadzadeh, Kamal
Ebinger, Frank, Nuremberg Campus of Technology(NCT), Technische Hochschule Nuremberg

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