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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

The Effectiveness of Experience and Teaching Methods on Evaluating Performance of Faculty Members – Statistical Study

Samah Anwar Abbas, Amani Mustafa Ghazzawi, Abeer Hassan Ali


Evaluating the performance of faculty members working in educational institutions has become one of the significant concerns in the field of teaching. With the aim of improving the promotion process of the faculty members, the current study aims to analyze the two important factors namely teaching experience and the methods of teaching. Previous studies have discussed that certain factors like renewing the contract of the faculties and their service period will be considered while making the decision process of faculty promotion in the educational institutions. Therefore, this study will examine the factors that affect the evaluation process of faculty members.  The study also examines to what extent the experience of teaching staff and their teaching methods will impact their performance as teachers in educational institutions. For this, the researcher adopted the statistical method - Pearson correlation and independent-measures t-stat for measuring the effectiveness of the hypothesis proposed in the study. Furthermore, this study concentrates on conducting experiments, based on the average faculty member evaluation of three ratings, which include student, head of the department, and HR. Results of the study indicated that the variable ‘teaching method’ is found more significant and correlated to the average faculty member evaluation, while the variable ‘faculty experience’ has not have a significant and strong correlation with the average rating of faculty member performance evaluation.


Performance Evaluation; University Faculty Member; Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs); Teaching Methods; Faculty Experience

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