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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Awareness of Task- Based Language Teaching in Teaching Speaking Skill: Selected Gamo Zone Secondary School Teachers in Focus

Addisu Adamu Hosho, Abate Demissie Gedamu, Melese Mengesha Aklilu


This study was aimed at investiating secondary  school English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’awareness of task based language teaching(TBLT) in teaching speaking skill. Descriptive survey design was employed  in which mixed-method approach was used to collect comprehensive data.To this end,quantitative data was collected through questionnaire whereas qualitative data was colleted using interview. The reliability of the items was checked by Chronbach Alpha,and the results showed that the internal consistency of the whole items was .931.Concerning the participants, 62 teachers were selected for questionnaire through simple random tchnique where as 10 teachers were selected for intervie. The sample size was decided using Moser & Kalton (1972) sampling formula. One sample t-test was employed to analyse the questionnaire data while thematic analysis was used to analyse the interview data.The findings portrayed that secondary school English as a foreign language teachers hold theoretically supported awareness about the principles and procedures of task based language teaching. To this end, Teacher training institutes and Gamo Zone education office should execute reinforcement workshops and continuous evaluation to help the teachers  bring their awareness to the actual classroom practices.

Keywords: Task-Based Language Teaching, EFL Teachers,  Awareness, Principle, procedure


Task Based Language Teaching

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