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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Effects of Demographic factors on job stress level: Evidence from women bank employees in Tamil Nadu

Srinivasan Krishnasamy, John Wilson


The research study examined the job stress association with women employees working in the Indian banking sector – Tamil Nadu. The core objective of the study was to analyze the job stress of women bank employees and its level. The study was conducted in four zones consisting of 32 districts, and they were stratified. The samples were drawn under a stratified random sampling technique from each stratum. The aggregate population of the women bank employees in 32 districts was 17 865, in which 1008 respondents were selected as the sample population for the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in this study. The mean, standard deviation, Two-way analysis, ANOVA tables and Regression analysis were employed to examine the degree of stress on female workers at the bank and their associations. The diverse demographic variables were included in the study like age, education, designation, experience, salary, marital status, spouse occupation, number of dependents, and family system. The study's conclusion was that the regressions analysis co-efficient Beta value results were positively associated with stress level and all variables. The designation and number of dependents were negatively correlated.


ANOVA, Bank employees, Job stress, level of stress

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