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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Learning Science: Factors and its Relation to Academic Performance

Maria Lourdes F. Rebulanan, Hazel DR. Samala


Over the years, educators are exerting much effort in achieving the quality education that every student deserve. As important as it is for all courses, Science is a subject that needs attention to be delivered effectively. This study sought to assess the correlation of the different factors affecting the academic performance of Science High School Students in the Philippines. The researchers used the quantitative-descriptive approach to highlight the gathering of raw data focusing on the usage of laboratory equipment, instructional materials, and the Science teacher’s competence in the delivery of instruction. Results of the study show that there is no significant relationship between the usage of laboratory equipment, use of instructional materials, and the teachers’ competence in teaching science to the academic performance of selected Filipino High School Students. Further, it is proposed that to upgrade the laboratory facilities in terms of quality and numbers. Continued use of Instructional materials is also encouraged to supplement learning. Likewise, it is suggested that the educational institution must develop programs that will continually enhance the training and development of its educators to further elevate their competence in Science and in other areas of the discipline.


Academic performance, instructional materials, laboratory equipment, teacher’s competence

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