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Journal of Advances in English Language Teaching

The Effect of Teacher-Centeredness Method vs. Learner-Centeredness Method on Reading Comprehension among Iranian EFL Learners

Maryam Lak, Hassan Soleimani, Farid Parvaneh


The present study was an attempt to investigate the effect of teacher-centered method versus learner-centered method on reading comprehension of the Iranian EFL learners. In order to do the current research, 120 Iranian EFL learners were selected from Mehrvarz Language Institute located in Tehran, Iran. In order to conduct the research, some steps were taken-administration of the QOPT, administration of the (pretest), the research treatment and administration of the posttest. To analyze the raw data of the research, independent samples t-test by the use of SPSS was applied for inferential statistics. The results revealed that learner-centered and teacher-centered groups had positive results on the improvement of Iranian EFL learners' reading comprehension performance. However, it was concluded that learner-centered instruction was more effective than teacher-centered instruction in improving Iranian EFL learners' reading comprehension performance. The findings of the present study may be beneficial for materials developers in designing syllabi that are more adaptable with those learner-centered method which help language learners to use language communicatively.


learner-centered Method; teacher-centered method; reading comprehension; EFL learners

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