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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Public Junior High School Heads’ Emotional Intelligence Using Bar-On EQi-S Test: Implications on School Leadership

Jovan B. Alitagtag, Ma. Junithesmer D. Rosales


Several studies claim that emotional intelligence (EI) provides salient inputs in predicting of positive or negative workplace environment. The necessity of studying EI in the workplace is vital in bringing the best out of each employee. After all, EI of the public junior school head allows persons working to be motivated, self-aware, and improved in their social skills. Hence, this study assessed the emotional intelligence of 100 school heads from the six divisions in the province of Laguna, Philippines using Bar-On EQi-S Test employing descriptive evaluative methods like percentage, mean, independent sample t-Test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

Based on the result of the study, it was depicted that the level of emotional intelligence of the school heads in Laguna is “average”. It was revealed further that the emotional intelligence of the respondents when grouped according to school size has a significant difference. Since the emotional intelligence of the school heads is “average” it is suggested that attention be focused on increasing total emotional intelligence and intrapersonal skill, which are both found low among the schools heads.


emotional intelligence, school heads, Laguna, public junior high school

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