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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

A Systematic Literature Review of Inquiry-Based Teacher Professional Development Programs: Types and Impacts on Teachers and Students (2013-2023)

Abdul Latip, Asep Kadarohman, Hernani Hernani, Norazilawati Abdullah, Andinisa Rahmaniar


This study aims to conduct a literature analysis of Inquiry-Based Teacher Professional Development Programs (I-BTPDP), focusing on the types of programs and their impact on both teachers and students. The research employs a systematic literature review (SLR) consisting of four main stages: identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. The initial identification and screening process is based on the following criteria: 1) articles published between 2013-2023, 2) content related to inquiry-based science teacher professional development programs, 3) articles written in English and peer-reviewed, and 4) content discussing the impact of inquiry-based science teacher professional development on teachers and/or students. After the screening process, 34 eligible articles were selected for analysis. Data analysis was conducted through coding based on the types of I-BTPDP and their impact. The literature review results show that the types of I-BTPDP include programs directly focused on inquiry-based learning, programs with a focus on the Nature of Science (NoS), technology-based programs, and partnership-based programs. Furthermore, the impact of I-BTPDP on teachers includes hands-on experience with the scientific inquiry process, enhanced understanding of planning and implementing inquiry-based learning, and increased confidence and interest in conducting inquiry-based learning. As for students, the impact of I-BTPDP includes improvements in content knowledge, attitudes towards science, and engagement in the inquiry process


inquiry-based teaching, profesional development program, science learning

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