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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

(*Review Article) The Impact of Digital Transformation on Enterprise Accounting

Chunyan Huang, Xiaoting Yin


Digital transformation represents a significant trend within the accounting domain, exerting a profound influence on conventional accounting processes, financial reporting, and decision-support capabilities. Primarily, it has revolutionized the accounting process by integrating sophisticated digital technologies and tools, enabling real-time data collection and processing, and thereby enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of accounting tasks. Secondly, digital transformation has played a pivotal role in expediting and refining the production and dissemination of financial reports, rendering financial statements faster and more precise, while also bolstering the disclosure and transparency of financial information. Furthermore, it has elevated the capacity of accounting decision support by furnishing management with profound business insights and decision-making aid through data analysis and visualization tools.

Notwithstanding its merits, digital transformation faces certain implementation challenges in the accounting realm. Technical barriers, data integration, organizational structure, and cultural factors necessitate careful consideration and resolution. Additionally, digital transformation introduces data quality and security risks, compelling enterprises to ensure data accuracy, security, and compliance with pertinent laws and regulations.

In order to adapt to the transformative influence of digitalization, accounting personnel must continuously acquire and update skills, cultivating proficiency in data analysis, data science, and digital tools. Concurrently, enterprises must prioritize the establishment of a conducive organizational culture and change management practices to ensure the successful implementation and effective operation of digital transformation. While digital transformation opens up numerous opportunities in the accounting sector, it must surmount challenges to achieve sustainable development and advancement within the field.


Digital transformation; Enterprise accounting; Accounting quality; Accounting process; Decision support

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