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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Teacher Effectiveness and Digital Competence of High School Teachers in Shopian District, Jammu and Kashmir

Gulzar Ahmad Dar, P. Ponraj


Effectiveness of teaching is essential condition, to make learning more meaningful, clear and fruitful to a student. Through the present study an attempt has been made by the investigator to study the Teaching Effectiveness and digital competence of High School Teachers in the Shopian District of Jammu and Kashmir. Two scales were adopted and applied in the study namely (i) Teacher Effectiveness Scale (KTES) developed by the investigator (2021) and (ii) the Digital Competence scale developed by Ramakrishna (2017) for collection of the required data. The sample for the study was 330 (190 Male and 140 Female) High school teachers including contractual teachers. Stratified random sampling technique is used in this study. To make the statistical analysis descriptive method has been used by the investigator in the present study. The study reveals that Teacher Effectiveness of female teachers was found to be significantly higher as compared to the male teachers. Also, Teachers having higher levels of Digital Competence were found to be more effective than those having low levels of Digital Competence.


Teacher Effectiveness, Digital Competence, High school Teachers

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