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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Online Learning Experience in the Graduate Level: An Exploratory Study

Bernadette Q. Cunanan, Cristalina R. Piers, Alena B. Palaming


The purpose of this study is to identify perspectives of the graduate students at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines taking Master’s in Public Administration on E-learning during the Coronavirus pandemic so that the E-learning system can be improved and strengthened. This study followed the constructivist learning theory in which learners evaluate and encode Information based on their perceptions and experiences. Descriptive-quantitative is used in this study to describe general or specific behaviors and attributes observed and measured.  This study has made used of a researcher’s made survey questionnaire to elicit student respondents’ demographic characteristics and their perceptions on online teaching and learning. The results revealed that respondents occasionally encountered difficulties while courses were conducted online. This order of problems that arise in online learning changes the framework of the crisis caused by the pandemic. Dropping signals during videoconferences are followed by the teacher’s lack of technical skills and their teaching style inappropriately tailored to the online situation. However, they rated a positive impact on the ability to learn and Integrate Information in the framework of solely online learning.  Moreover, the respondents concluded that different platforms available for teaching online were useful.

Based on these findings, the researchers recommended addressing the technical problems encountered during the online class. Moreover, proper training for teachers must be considered to meet the skills needed in the conduct of the online class.


graduate students, online learning, exploratory, graduate level, perception

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