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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Designing and Implementing Critical Thinking Instruction through Video based Training: A Case Study

Indrie Prihastuti, Ari Widodo, Liliasari Liliasari, Riandi Riandi


Critical thinking skills (CTS) have never been discussed as main topic in science teachers training. Negative issues on teacher training have triggered researchers to look for other alternatives to increase the effectiveness of teacher training. A video-based training (VBT) were expected to overcome these issues. The purpose of this research was to improve teachers’ competencies in implementing critical thinking skills instruction through video based training. This research was a case study with four participants of science teachers. A video package, contains 33 video segments, was learned by teachers every day within 5 weeks via google classroom. These videos were divided into four main topics: (1) explanation of CTS, (2) designing, (3) implementing and (4) assessing CTS instruction. Participants had to complete assignment after they learned videos on each day. They were guided by a coach who was responsible for managing training activities, providing assistance and giving feedback on their assignments. Teachers’ lesson plan, students’ worksheets and evidence of learning implementation were collected before and after VBT. These documents were analysed using three level of scoring rubrics. The results showed that teachers’ competencies on designing and implementing CTS instruction were increased. However, there were some problems during the implementation. Teachers’ have difficulties in integrating CTS into the science topic, as well as the discrepancy between lesson plan and its implementation. Limitation and recommendation for improvement also were discussed in this article.


Video based training; critical thinking skills; instruction; teacher; competencies.

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