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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Verbal Component of Advertisement and the Problem of its Perception

Aleksandra Makarova, Natalya Soluyanova, Marina Gozalova, Elena Loseva, Olga Kobeleva, Magomed Gazilov


The article touches upon the problem of impact the proper use of the language of advertising can have on people. Since today, advertisement has a significant impact on consumer choice of a customer. In the first part of this article we analyze such theoretical issues as stylistics of advertising text, its phonetic, syntactic and lexical aspects, means of language manipulation and readability index. Comparative analysis of linguistic peculiarities of the advertisement on the example of advertising texts of famous sport brands is shown in the second part. The main conclusion is that in spite of the fact that readability index of the text can be rather high, the level of its attractiveness to the public also depends on other factors that include non-verbal component of the message, personal characteristics of addressee, etc. The main idea of this article can be valuable for the world of psycholinguistics, lexicology and modern communication because it describes all the important linguistic peculiarities that can be used in the modern language of advertising.


Advertising text, Cultural memory, Fog index, Linguistic analysis, Readability index

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