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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Empowerment: Are we all talking about the same thing? Experiences from farmer field schools in Nepal

Annemarie Westendorp


Empowerment, as defined by Farmer Field School project designers, is not based on male and female farmers’ real life practices, experiences and perceptions in Nepal. Initially in farmer field schools empowerment was considered to be achieved through improved access to resources, in particular farm production and knowledge,  later the focus was on increased capabilities of farmers and strengthening their agency. The acquirement of resources alone is not empowerment; it is necessary to consider what people can do with these resources, i.e. the process or agency they exercise and specific historical, socio-cultural and political contexts. Development agencies, such as district agricultural offices or NGOs cannot empower farmers. Agencies involved in farmer field schools may be able to create conditions favourable to empowerment but they cannot make it happen.


empowerment; rural development; farmer field schools ; Nepal

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