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Journal of Advances in English Language Teaching

The Effect of Musical Dialogue on EFL Learners’ Syllabic Stuttering

Yaser Kheyrkhahnia, Behzad Ghonsooly, Ali Mashhadi


This paper studied a technique of English speaking based on Musical Dialogue for decreasing syllabic stuttering of developmental stuttering EFL learners. Two groups of stuttering learners were selected randomly by Ibn Sina speech therapy clinic in relation to their speech problems. Six participants received Musical Dialogue in Experimental Group A, and eight participants received nothing as a treatment in Control Group. Sex was controlled randomly. The research tried to evaluate the time-sequential effects of Musical Dialogue on syllabic stuttering. Thus, SSI-4: Stuttering Severity Instrument was applied as pre-tests, post-tests, first delayed post-tests, and second delayed post-tests to estimate percentage of syllabic stuttering. Findings presented that Musical Dialogue did not have enough significant difference to influence the stutter among the EFL learners immediately after treatment. However, Musical Dialogue has had short-term and long-term effects on decreasing stuttering EFL learners’ syllabic stuttering.


Musical Dialogue, Syllabic stuttering

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