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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Comparative Study of Nonverbal Sign Language and Verbal Oral Language

Mala Vasegh


Sign and oral languages are comparatively analyzed and compared in current study. Investigating common points, the points of difference, advantages and disadvantages and weakness and strengths of each one of these two languages show that sign language is a regular arbitrary system that follows specific rules. In order to convey the meaning in this communicational system, manual communication is used instead of sound patterns. The thing wrongly believed is that sign language has a direct relationship with oral one. In other words, it is an oral language done by sign language but scientific studies have proved the reverse relation. Despite all these explanations, the relationship between sign languages and oral ones cannot be denied. Comparative study in this field will be done in this paper.


sign language, gestures, speech language, imaginary gestures, technical gestures, folk gestures

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