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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Investigating the Effect of Organization Risk Factors by Creating the Phenomenon of Burnout on Staff of Aghajari Oil and Gas Company

Ramazan Zeidani Roodbar, Morad Jamshidian


This study aimed to investigate the relationship and effect of organization risk factors with creating the phenomenon of burnout on staff of Aghajari Oil and Gas Company. The participants in this study were 100 employees who were chosen among corporate operational and headquarters sections using simple random sampling method. The designed questionnaire included 21 questions that 20 of them related to effective factors on burnout and the last question also related to burnout itself. Measuring tools consisted of Cronbach’s alpha reliability tests, Spearman and Pearson and Kendall Tau correlation tests, the test of variables linearity and finally simple regression test for ultimate estimation. Using correlation tests some of variables were eliminated from model because lack of relationship with burnout variable and estimation was done for other variables. The results of final estimation of the research showed that work experience and job expectations had positive and significant effect and education negative and significant effect on burnout among employees.


burnout, organization risk factors, Aghajari Oil and Gas Company

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