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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

The Effect of Skipping Rope Plan Training (Tanavarz) on Lumbar Lordosis Angle among 10 - 11 -year-old Girls in Tehran

Seyede Niloufar Razavi, Alireza Rahimi, Behnaz Ganji


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of skipping rope plan of schools on the angle of lumbar lordosis and lower cross muscles of female students in fourth grade. Statistical population of this study were female students of 10 -11 years old  in Tehran and the present research methodology was quasi-experimental and its research plan was based on pre-test and post-test. To perform this study, tests were done on the 30 female students in fourth grade with the mentioned conditions with an average weight of 39.3 and average stature of 141.9. After considering the input criteria, tests were performed at pre-test and posttest stage at same conditions and finally training games and recovery were used. The correlated t test was used to analyze the data with significant level of (P>0.05). The research results showed that the skipping rope plan training during 16 weeks (32 sessions) has no impact on the lordosis angle and the strength of the abdominal muscles and gluteus muscles and flexibility of lower back muscles and hamstrings and quadriceps, and none have had no significant change during these sessions of skipping rope plan. As a result, skipping rope plan training in 4 months based on executive style sheet of ministry of education had no significant impact on the angle of lumbar lordosis and flexibility of pelvic girdle muscular strength  (gluteus and abdominal muscle strength and flexibility of hamstring muscles, quadriceps and behind lumbar) among female students of fourth grade and had an harmful practice on the lordosis angle and cross muscles of lumbar and pelvic punctures and was not useful.


skipping rope plan, lumbar lordosis angle, muscle strength, muscle flexibility

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