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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Tailoring Coastal Park for the Use of Veterans and People with Physical-Motion Disabilities (Case study: Noshahr Beach Park)

Shabnam Najmeddin, Mojtaba Ahmadi


Many physical barriers in most parks not only have minimized, in practice, the effective use of these spaces for the disabled, but also are impossible in many cases. This exclusion leaves negative results in the society. This research tries to step in to create safe and attractive spaces, according to the needs of disabled people on the fringes of the coastal strip and place equal opportunities for them to make use of these spaces. Studies of Noshahr Beach Park, as a busy urban park, show that this park, in both design and construction or the use of appropriate materials and elements designed lacks favorable conditions for and people with physical-motion disabilities. In order to achieve the main objective, cross-sectional research methods in the context of library studies using face to face interviews, and questionnaire are used to analyze the problems of people with physical-motion disabilities while being in Beach Park. Finally, with an emphasis on the results of the analysis of questionnaires and interviews in person, by setting urban and architectural regulations as criteria for people with physical-motion disabilities, using environment design principles ,and sustainable urban development suitable models in order to tailor coastal parks with the needs of veterans and people with physical-motion disabilities are provided. These models enable veterans and people with physical-motion disabilities to enjoy coastal parks without the help of a person and independently.


playground, children with limited movement, access barriers, manufacturers of playground, playground users

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