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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Evaluation of the Use of Urban Design Approach in Urban Planning Process in Iran

Seyed Moslem Seyedolhosseini


With respect to the promotion of large-scale urban design in urban development plans, this study aims to assess its function in Iran. To achieve this goal, with a comparative study and text content analysis, we first provide effective concepts of urban design development in planning and its application, and accordingly, we recognize requirements to use it. Then, status quo of urban design in urban development plans in Iran is examined based on these requirements with the descriptive-survey method. As a result, the main focus of this article is on the question that what is the role of urban design in urban development plans in Iran? Factors examined to assess the practical application of urban design approach include the existence of levels and hierarchy for design scale, the presence of urban design goals and standards, support for urban design subjects, professional interactions and public participation of urban design in urban development plans. Results indicate that the position of urban planning approach in urban development plans in Iran is not suitable in terms of five components. However, in particular, we need measures and special effort to strengthen and enhance these components.


environmental quality, interactive approach to urban design in planning, urban planning, urban design, urban development plans

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