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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Investigating The Effect of Different Building’s Orientation on Amount of Cooling Load in Kerman City Located in Hot and Arid Region of Iran

Mansour Nikpour


In hot and arid climate regions  such as Kerman , overheating spaces in a building is crucial, especially in hot seasons, which causes enhancing  cooling load consequently causes increasing energy consumption for creating comfort condition in buildings. Lack of consideration to this problem, causes energy crisis in the first step and in the next step excessive environmental pollution is provided. Prior researches show that form and window area and window orientation in buildings have considerable effect on energy consumption  in buildings. The purpose of this research is the effectiveness of different window’s orientations on cooling load in Kerman city with using simulation program IES<VE>.  Ten rooms with the same characteristics with different Window areas (from 10% WWR to 100%WWR) in different orientations were modeled in simulation program. Then, the amount of cooling load was calculated for each model with different window area and orientations in 22nd of June. The results were compared for different models. The findings of this research indicated that the most cooling load related to the West, East and South orientation respectively.


Window to wall Ratio (WWR), Cooling Load, Heat gain, Energy, Building

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