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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

The Analysis of Total Factor Productivity Growth of Oilseed Production in Iran

Arya Hooshmandan, Reza Moghaddasi, Saeed Yazdani


Despite Iranian's government efforts to increase production of oilseed, Iran's vegetable oil still depends on imports and production of oilseeds covers only a part of domestic consumption. There is a gap between real and expected performance in the main staples which shows the landscape only by increasing productivity. The present study was conducted to examine the productivity growth of oilseeds growing in Iran as a whole. Econometrics approach was used to estimate total factor productivity. The study period was divided into Period 1(1983-1992), Period 2(1993-2002), Period 3 (2003-2012) and Overall period from 1983-2012. Secondary data survey was done. The results of the analysis revealed that the total productivity growth for oilseeds was positive and the average total factor productivity growth in whole period was 1.3%. Although some change has been taken place, there is a potential to achieve higher growth rates in production in the future if resources to be used efficiently.


: total factor productivity, productivity growth rate, econometric approach, oilseed crop

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