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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

The Estimation Parameters of Kuznets Spatial Environmental Curve in European Countries ( A Case Study of CO2 And PM10 and Incidence of Tuberculosis and Life Expectancy at Birth)

Iman Danaeifar


Environmental Kuznets Curve is one of the most well-known concepts in the field of environmental economics that has developed during the past twenty years in various aspects. One of the new improvements in the study of EKC relationship is paying attention to spatial nature of environmental phenomena. The concept of the spatial environmental Kuznets curve (SEKC) is entirely similar to that of EKC, except that it considers spatial autocorrelation of environmental pollutants as one of the explanatory variables. The present investigation attempts by using spatial panel data model to examine the spatial environmental Kuznets curve (SEKC) for two global (CO2) and local (PM10) pollutants, Incidence of tuberculosis and Life expectancy at birth, in geographical scope of 30 European Countries over the period of 1992–2008. According to the results, there is an inverse U-shaped relationship between income and carbon dioxide and particulate matter, tuberculosis, life expectancy at birth there


Spatial Autocorrelation, Spatial Environmental Kuznets Curve, Spatial Panel Data Model

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