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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

A Study of Constructive Factors in Job Satisfaction

Kosar Rezaei, Mahdi Omidi, Hadi Kazeroni


Paying little attention to the job satisfaction and studying it generally in administrative and service organizations and centers lead to conducting a study which aims to investigate the constructive factors of job satisfaction. In this study, it is tried to discuss about the most important constructive factors of job satisfaction and in this way, some researches done by Azkamp, Rawlinson, Korman and Human and others were used. In this study, it can be concluded that the issue of job should be looked from a broader view and should be studied in detail and it should be noted that many factors are involved in its making which should be carefully investigated in order to provide its efficiency and effects in all governmental, servicing and manufacturing offices and centers, and organizations.


organization, job satisfaction, employees

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