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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

The study of the effective factors on business of industrial cluster by using network analytic process

Adel Kaabinezhad, Enayat Allah Boroon, Maryam Zarat Dakhely Parast


Nowadays competitiveness is a general topic in the world and it is used as a device to reach the optimal economic growth and stable development. Among the main problems for the development of industrial clusters in the absence of an obvious approach is to increase competitiveness. Competitiveness in the clusters is the mixture of endeavor both in company's level and the governmental level .This research has reviewed the effective factors on business of industrial cluster by using network analytic process .The GEM model was used to identify effective factors of competiveness in industrial cluster. The effective factors on competitiveness in public industry business were identified through questionnaire and since some of the effective factors are related to one another, by the technique of network analytic process, the relative importance of these factors were addressed and prioritized by the help of Super Decisions software.


competitiveness, industrial cluster, network analytic process

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