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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Assessment methods to finance small and medium enterprises (SME) in Qazvin Province

Kurosh Rahmani, Forogh Rodgarnezhad, Karim Kiakojory


Various methods of financing the development of suitable bedding for quick access to the financial resources needed for project implementers need the best and fastest possible way and will produce economic. This study attempts to examine ways to finance industrial projects, 244 in small and medium enterprises Qazvin is based on sampling Morgan selected using data collected by the questionnaire is analyzed in SPSS software explain the methods used to identify the various types of domestic and international to select the most appropriate and efficient financing tool used to give applicants. The results indicate that the most used method of borrowing from a bank is use of other methods have been used to finance short.


Financing methods, entrepreneurship, small and medium businesses, loan

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