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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

The Study of Irrational Beliefs of Monolinguals and Bilinguals

Marzie Heydari Beni, Ali Abar Malekirad, Masoome Mohamadi, Hassan Jafari


A bilingual or multilingual individual refers to a person who systematically uses two or more languages ​​in daily life. Monolingual and bilingual individuals have differences in most of functions. Among the most important issues in human behavior are irrational beliefs that lead to behavioral disorders. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the irrational beliefs of monolingual and bilingual individuals. This cross-sectional study includes 30 monolingual individuals (18 females and 12 males) and 30 bilingual subjects (18 females and 12 males) who were randomly selected among monolingual and bilingual students aging from 19 to 27 years old and completed questionnaire of ibt. According to the statistical analysis, monolingual and bilingual individuals had significant differences in scales of necessity of others’ approval and support (p = 0.044), tend to self-blame (p = 0.004) and reaction to failure (p = 0.038), affective irresponsibility (p = 0.023) and avoidance of issues (p = 0.000) and in the rest scales of dependency, the emotional irresponsibility, too much concern with anxiety, and high self-expectations p> 0.05 did not have significant differences. The results showed that monolingual individuals had irrational beliefs, as compared to bilingual individuals.


monolingual, bilingual, irrational beliefs

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