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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences

Investigating the Factors Affecting the Implementation of Knowledge Management in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company

Abolghasem Sheikhi, Nasser Molaei


Knowledge management is one way to improve the survival of organization. Therefore, the identification and study of factors affecting the deployment of knowledge management can help organizations to implement and enforce it better. When factors affecting the deployment of knowledge management to be identified and analyzed previously and an appropriate platform to be provided for its deployment, knowledge management is successfully implemented in organizations. Because the management of the existing knowledge of organization is a humanistic matter and is completely related to human resources, organizations to deploy successful knowledge management should provide appropriate organizational culture, strategic thinking, right staff training and suitable technology and act accordingly. Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company with respect to the determined objectives and policies of the ministry and more emphasis on the issue of knowledge-based operation process of oil and gas resources and according to its task at oil exploitation, production and sending and protection of the facilities and oil tanks as well as rapid advances in technology and increasing employees' level of education, considers knowledge management. This research is conducted in line with the goals and policies set by the Ministry of Petroleum. For this purpose, one main hypothesis, four sub-hypotheses and two side-hypotheses are developed. The results of hypotheses testing implied the endorsement of main hypothesis namely, it was found that organizational factors influence the management deployment in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company. Four research hypotheses were confirmed as well thus, it became clear that organizational factors (including organizational culture, strategic thinking, employees’ training and technology) affect the management deployment in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company. Also according to the results, the first side-hypothesis that "The different education level of employees has different effects on the implementation of knowledge management in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company" was confirmed. But the second side-hypothesis that "different professions (technical and non-technical) have different effect on the deployment of knowledge management in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company" was rejected.


knowledge management, organizational culture, strategic thinking, employees’ training, technology

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