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Journal of Advances in English Language Teaching

The Relationship between EFL Teachers’ Extrovert and Introvert Personality on Controlling Ripple Effect in Classroom

Nasibeh Noori



This study investigated EFL teachers’ introvert and extravert personality and their relationship with the ability to control ripple effect in classrooms. Accordingly, 80 male and female teachers were asked to complete a personality form called Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in order determine their personality type (introvert and extravert) and the degree of introversion or extraversion: slight, moderate, clear, and very clear. Then they were observed to consider how they encounter with the misbehavior in class and their capability to stop it. To consider the relationship between being an introvert and its effect on controlling ripple effect a nonparametric test, spearman’s rho, was used. To figure out whether introverts are better at controlling ripple effect or extraverts both personality types were compared to each other using regression. The results showed that teachers’ personality had a straight relationship with their ability to control ripple effect so that the more introvert a teacher is, the better he/she can control ripple effect.

Key words: Ripple effect, introvert teachers, extrovert teachers, EFL


Ripple effect, introvert teachers, extrovert teachers, EFL

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