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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Analyzing the Reaction of Metal and Concrete Structures near Earthquake Centers

Samad Dehghan


Movements recorded near active faults have different characteristics compared to normal movements recorded far from the fault due to the effects of progressive directionality and permanent displacement. Among the most important distinguishing features of these movements are the presence of long period pulses in the time history of acceleration, velocity, and displacement, a large ratio of maximum speed to maximum acceleration in the time history, the high-frequency content of the map, and short duration in the component perpendicular to the fault map. Pointed out each of these features has different effects on different structures. Also, in such earthquakes, the accumulation of energy in a short period and a pulse can cause shock-like movement. A case study of three steel structures and their responses to earthquakes produced by the Green's function method. Three steel structures are selected and modeled for analysis. Then, these structures are analyzed under the earthquake produced near the fault and their response is analyzed and investigated.


Earthquake Consequences, Metal and Concrete Structures, Vicinity to the Vibration Point

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