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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Localizing the Process of Writing Action Research for Basic Education: Designing the Multi-Analysis Layered Nexus (MALN) Approach

Rejulios M. Villenes, Ma. Lyn Igliane-Villenes, Raymar C. Francia, Raymund C. Francia, Mac Christian C. Dellosa, Meniano D. Ebora


This study designed a localized approach to working and writing action research suited for basic education. The researchers used multiphase mixed method research with three analysis stages focused on the identified problem. These stages include identifying the preferred approach in writing action research for basic education, designing a localized approach, and evaluating the developed action research approach. Five key informants participated in the preference assessment, while thirty respondents assessed the acceptability and significance levels of the designed localized approach. The key data analysis treatments employed qualitative data analysis, mean, and independent t-test. Preferred contextualized design for action research includes multiphase mixed-method research approaches. Grounded on the analyzed preference, the researchers designed the “Multi-Analysis Layer Nexus (MALN)” approach for basic education action research, featured with its focus approach matrix and a question-procedure-analysis (QPA) design alignment. The designed localized process received highly acceptable and highly significant ratings. No significant difference is derived from the two assessments. Recommendations included the conduct of MALN approach capacity building, skills and abilities profile, and data analysis treatments in the QPA matrix. The study is limited to the SALIKSIK (Strategic Action for Learning, Innovation, Knowledge Systems, and Instructional Keystones) Research Program of Lopez East and Lopez West Districts. Though, the DepEd Division of Quezon can use this for its localized action research approach. The developed MALN approach is an innovative, novel action research process specifically designed for basic education settings


Action research, basic education research, localized approach, multi-analysis

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