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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

When, What and How Much to Buy? Analyzing Consumer’s Price Perception and Behavioral Intention in ISP industry of Pakistan

Ahmed Muneeb Mehta, Muhammad Bilal Ahmad, Hafiz Fawad Ali, Asad Afzal Hummayon, Muqaddus Khalid


In Pakistan’s internet service provider (ISP) industry, the sales promotion does effect in the form of downloading limits, level of discounts and payment methods to the consumer buying behavior. Sales promotion is one of the most effective ways to persuade consumers because it leads to actual physical use of the product. In Pakistan the internet service provider sector has grown since 1992. Each year, the internet service providers improve their services and consumer approach through different sale promotion techniques to stay up with the everyday competition. This paper analysis different marketer’s point of view and serves as an abridging platform between the consumer approach and the market for nourishing and further strengthening sales promotion campaigns in Pakistan’s ISP’s industry.


Consumer buying behavior, Consumer practices, Sales promotion, Internet service providers

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