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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Globalization of Culture and Religious Tourism

Zahra Moaven, Bijan Khajenoori, Zahra Forooghan Geransaieh, Razieh Rayanpour


This study proceeded to examine the relationship between cultural globalization and religious tourism. Giddens and Robertson’s theory was applied to test the research hypotheses. The method is quantitative and required population of study came to be 400 pilgrims of Shah-e-Cheragh Holey Shrine, aged 18-65, randomly selected and analyzed. The data were collected by giving questionnaires, and were analyzed using SPSS software. This study totally involved 5 hypotheses, one of which is rejected. The results indicated that modern info-communicative technology and individualism hold a strongly negative relationship with religious tourism, while awareness against globalization reveals no relationship with religious tourism.


Cultural Globalization, Religious Tourism, The awareness of globalization, Individualism, Quantitative Method, The Holy Shrine of Shah-e Cheragh

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