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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Investigating the Relationship between Comprehension and sound

Mehri Farzaneh


Reading comprehension is the ability to read text and understanding its meaning. One of the ways for understanding the meaning is reading aloud. Furthermore, reading aloud improved our vocabulary and comprehension. Reading aloud is the best practice for retention .The sample of the study consisted of 30 students chosen from Goyesh institute in the region of Isfahan. The subjects were divided into two groups. The researcher takes the pretest for selecting the same level. The first group read the short stories slowly, however, the second group read the short story loudly and at last both of them answer to the comprehension question. After that the researcher prepared some questions based on the short stories. The collected data were analyzed through Statistical description for Social Science (SPSS, version 13.0).  Descriptive analysis in the form of percentage was computed. Result showed that the second group answers the question better than the first (read short story slowly). This indicated that reading aloud by the teacher may have a significant positive effect on learners’ reading comprehension and retention the vocabulary and also motivate them for more reading. The researcher suggested read-aloud instruction for teaching vocabulary and comprehension was a good way and also it facilitated word learning.


Reading comprehension, EFL learners, Reading aloud, vocabulary development, facilitate

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