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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

The Study of the Relation of Positive and Negative Emotions and Self-Control with Personality Types in Terms of Enneagram Model

Ladan Araghi, Alireza Jafari, Gorban Fathi Aghdam


The research aims to study the relation of positive and negative emotions and self-control with personality types in terms of Enneagram model. The method is descriptive and correlative. Abhar University which have been tested based on clustering sampling from humanities and technical faculties in the fields of commercial management (marketing and financial management), nursing, consulting and master guidance, industry engineering and electrical engineering as 100 and in terms of Kochran formula as sample group. In present research, Pearson correlation method and regression analysis were used and the results showed that there is a negative relation between personality reformist, helper, compliment, challenger, peaceful and instinct Triad and emotional Triad with self-control. Also, there is a positive relation between eager, faithful and cognitive personality types. Also, there is a negative significant relation between reformist, helper, compliment and challenger. A positive significant relation was observed between reformist, helper, individual compliment, eager, peaceful and challenger with cognitive and there is a negative significant relation between faithful, eager, peaceful and emotional personality. Self-control variable can determine 10% of variances for emotional personality and negative emotions can determine 7% of cognitive trait and 12% of instinct trait are determined by positive emotions.


Positive and Negative Emotions, Self-Control, Personality types in terms of Enneagram Model

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