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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Examining the Relationship between Public Health and Social Security among the Students in Azad University of Rafsanjan

Majid Saffarinia, Ali Hosseinzadeh Ghasemabad


Considering the significant role of public health and its components, including integrity, acceptance, participation, prosperity and solidarity in explaining the sense of insecurity in the society, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between public health and social sense of security among residents of Rafsanjan. The study was conducted through a survey, in which 150 persons of male and female students in Islamic Azad University of Rafsanjan were selected using a stratified random sampling and were studied by using a questionnaire. Reliability of the instrument was established and the high Cronbach's alpha coefficients for variables indicate that the reliability of the questionnaire was desirable. The findings of the study demonstrated a significant positive relationship between social health and its five dimensions integration, acceptance, participation, prosperity and social solidarity with a sense of security. Coordinating the finding of this study with other studies reveals the importance of domains to create and strengthen society's social health.


social health, social security, integration, acceptance, participation, prosperity, solidarity

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