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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Measuring the level of citizen participation in urban management based on urban good governance: A Case Study in District one in Tehran

Tahmures Shiri, Leila Sadat Salehi Rahbar


The present study aimed to assess the level of participation among Citizens of the District one of Tehran. The study population includes all citizens of the district one of Tehran. The sample size was estimated 385 people, using a Cochran formula. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed using the respected professors and experts ideas and Cronbach's Alpha showed the reliability of the questionnaire as (83/0). To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (tables and graphs, statistics) and inferential statistics (Spearman correlation coefficient) in the form of SPSS software was used. The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between urban good governance with the participation of citizens. It was also found there is a significant relationship between transparency and accountability, satisfaction, social justice, citizen awareness and social trust with citizen participation. Finally, the results of descriptive statistics show that respondents evaluated participation rate in the relatively low and characteristics of urban good governance in average.


urban good governance, citizen participation

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