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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

The Study of the Effect of 5C Factors on the Credit Risk of Natural Customer of Refah e Kargaran Bank and Credit assessment

Farideh Mohammadi, Zadollah Fathi


The subject of rating and recognition of banking customer risk is a profound subject that includes the most qualitative indicators to most quantitative cases. Many studies, by determining effective reasons and causes in this domain, have tried to tag well or badly on the customers and be sure of their choice before entering the customer to the bank. This study tries to recognize standards with priority by using three integrated approaches: qualitative based on Decision theory, quantitative based on statistics, and quantitative based on artificial intelligence. This study investigates some banking customers and adjusts its parameters and shows that this integrated approach, which in first step, studies the expected characteristics and recognizes them in a qualitative usage and then uses the artificial intelligence to identify behaviors, has a great value and can perform it with little error percentage.


Customer Risk, Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Standard Decision, Integrated Approach

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