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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Influencing the Organizational Sociability and Designing an Optimal Pattern

Mohammadali Mojalal Chebeghlou, Zahra Yusefi


The main purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize the factors influencing the organizational sociability and designing an optimal pattern in the Islamic Azad University. Organizational sociability is examined based on eight variables including the relationship with colleagues, personal characteristics, organizational climate, organizational values, personal characteristics, skills and expertise, management features, and job environment. The methods of this study are descriptive and correlational, and the population includes staff members of Islamic Azad University. A questionnaire with the reliability of 0.938 is developed to collect data and assess the sociability components. The factor analysis is employed to ensure content validity and reliability. Proportional index model indicated that the measurement model of socialization components is appropriate and the overall assessment is significant and acceptable. The results showed that the five identified dimensions were directly related to the organizational sociability.


sociability, organizational sociability, Islamic Azad University

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