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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Evaluation of Quality Services in Zahedan Public Libraries

Reza Hakimi, Mohammad Ali Tabasi, Gholam Reza Samadzadeh, Zohre Sorinezami


The present study evaluates the quality of services in public libraries of Zahedan, using the SERVQUAL software. This study is a practical survey. The studied group includes all clients of two public libraries of Zahedan, Kafami and Imam Hussein, with 17000 active and semi-active clients. The sample size was 250 randomly selected. SERVQUAL questionnaire was used to collect data. As the findings show, the studied libraries provided reasonable services in terms of empathy, responsiveness and appropriate environment. However, the quality of services was not reasonable. Measuring the quality of services by customer-focused software SERVQUAL plays an important role in understanding of the quality of services provided by users. A quantitative measure of quality is a rare way to measure services of public institutions, including public libraries. The above software measures the expectations of clients from different aspects of quality services. Improvements in line with expectations will lead to the dynamism and vitality of libraries.


quality service, public libraries, Zahedan, SERVQUAL

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