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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Regional Investigation of Crimes and Socio-Security-Economic Modeling of Database: A Case Study in Qazvin Province

Mohammad Hasan Rahmani, Ehsan Golmehr


The whole realm of geographical positioning is based on establishing some principles experimentally examined. This means geographical positioning originates from the information about crimes and criminals. But, there is a problem, illegal activities are not normally seen by public and as soon as crimes get recognized it changes into data. Also, most of the information, especially the places where criminals live, is available only when the criminals get arrested, which means most of the studies may be deviated because the unsolved crimes or not reported to police should be ignored. In general, crime and criminals may bring some information for research in one of the two general methods. The most common case is when the details turn into a part of the police official report, various law firms, or government agencies. These reports are often incomplete and usually not recorded correctly. Therefore, this source of information is likely to deviate from official sources. Fortunately, the limited studies which have compared these two sources of information indicated that they do not contradict each other, so it is necessary to draw a descriptive diagram in this field. Therefore, modeling and drawing database for more efficient use of information have been investigated by using descriptive method in this article. The results reflect the fact that the way to fight and equipment needed, can be organized according to the distribution maps. According to available data bases of previous information of crimes and drawing different diagrams in the map of Qazvin city, crimes dispersion is obtained.


crimes, geographical data, modeling, base and data drawing

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