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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

An Analysis of Residence Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics in Old-Context Location in Dezfoul

Hamid Reza Saremi, Saeedeh Rashidi Asl, Zohreh Ezzati, Mansoureh Sadat Amini Nezhad


The practice of the residence sector and its structure implies its importance in each country’s economy. Activities of this sector not only help fulfill people’s ever-increasing need for dwelling as a human and vital need, but also it plays an important part to create employment for the growing human population of the country. The main purpose of creating a residence plan is to identify now and future in Dezfoul’s old context so that a desired future could be sketched. This research relies upon field research and the data received from the Municipality, the Treatment and Rehabilitation Organization, and library in Dezfoul. This area covers around 200 hectares and it holds 6105 residential units, 29277 people, and 7588 families. Via stratified sampling without substitution of 6105 residential units, 400 were selected as the sample. Considering the goal of the study, i.e. recognition of now and future of dwelling in the old context and to obtain results, two questionnaires were devised and distributed and filled in within the population. The research findings show that in quantitative terms, dwelling had microlithicity. Family density in residential units was relatively high and it did not reach the standard extent, i.e. the density of one person in residential units of some of its localities was high and even observed to be up to 6.34, and in qualitative terms, 53.8% were being destroyed, 69.7% were tile-made buildings, the age of which are over 30 years.


Dezfoul, old context, residence planning, quantitative and qualitative characteristics

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