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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Investigating the influence of customer knowledge management on customer relationship management: A case study of Mellat Insurance

Ruhollah Siddiqui, Mojde Gerami Amin, Maryam Kavyani Nik


This paper aims at investigating the Influence of customer knowledge management (CKM) on customer relationship management (CRM). Therefore, the staff of Mellat insurance in Mazandaran province was selected as the research community. This study is based on quantitative methods and is a kind of descriptive correlational study. The questionnaire is used to collect data.  In order to analyze the data SPSS and LISREL and Kronbach’s alpha test, Friedman and Spearman were used, respectively, for reliability, ranking variables and correlation between variables. The research results show that there is a significant relationship between customer orientation and knowledge management.


knowledge management, customer relationship management, Customer Knowledge Management

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