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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

An investigation into the effect of Likert's leadership styles on empowering Iran insurance company's staff

Seyed Mehrdad Miraftab Zadeh, Mohammad Reza Rahimi, Majid Hasankhani


This case study was carried out in Iran Insurance Company in the area of Hamadan city in September, 2013. The statistical population of the study consisted of 144, the whole body of which was taken as sample to raise more accuracy and have access to it. The sampling method is of simple randomized kind. The means of collecting data is questionnaire. In order to assess the validity of the questionnaire, the formal method was used as Cronbach Alpha with 83.0 and 75.0 values was taken for its reliability. The results showed that main hypothesis about the significant relationship between Likert leadership styles and empowering staff is confirmed. These breakthroughs revealed that empowering staff can be developed.


insurance industry, Likert’s leadership styles, staff empowering

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