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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Electronic human resources management and the effectiveness of human resources management

Seyyed Abdorasoul Hosseini, Khalil Nematollahi


The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of electronic human resources management (e-HRM) on the effectiveness of human resources management. To do so, four components of e-HRM including organizational clarity, decision-making quality, efficiency, and the quality of services are employed as research hypotheses. The population under study included 102 managers working in Shiraz University, of whom a number of 96 managers were selected using Cochran Formula as the research sample. Questionnaires used to collect the data were distributed among the participants. Then, the questionnaires were returned and the collected data were analyzed by SPSS Software. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to test the research hypotheses. The results of data analysis indicated that all the research sub-hypotheses beside the main research hypothesis were confirmed, suggesting that the improvement of electronic human resources management (e-HRM) will result in an increase in e-HRM effectiveness.


management, Human Resources Management, electronic human resources management (e-HRM), effectiveness

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