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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

The study of the relationship among career success, career competencies, and knowledge management

Rezvan Mohammad Rafiei


Organizations are continually influenced by environmental factors, but today the organizations are located in a different environment compared with the past. Mobility and speedy changes are the main characteristic of this environment. In such an environment, the organizations which have gained more knowledge and use them in their strategies and methods can survive and progress. Knowledge leads to better performance of the organization. Hence, knowledge management and proper use of it is important in order to achieve organizational goals. Knowledge management focuses on power of thought and analysis. Knowledge is thrived and created in human’s mind and will be served and spread based on situations and need. Therefore, the success of knowledge management is achieved when an environment established in an organized pattern. This encourages individuals to create and spread their knowledge. But lack of environmental certainties caused the corporate companies to organize and shape their structures differently. Adoption of strategies, like downsizing, leads to a change in psychological contract. So, in this condition, job security will put organizations to trouble. Organizational boundaries have been intertwined and employees are facing with the new realities of career and it has influenced personal belief about the organization. In such a situation, the knowledge management can process successfully.


career, career success, career competencies, knowledge management

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