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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

Optimization of cost and scheduling parameters through Earned Value Management in construction projects: A case study on the project of telecommunication buildings construction and installation and implementation of equipment in Bandar-Emam Khomeyni

Ehsan Lorghaba, Ali Narimani


Project managers normally seek strategies to help them certify that projects are accurately implemented and that productivity is increased. Considering this premise, Earned Value Management (EVM) is regarded as an effective technique for analyzing and controlling the performance of projects. EVM is the process of analyzing project variances (problematic points). Recognizing problems as fast as possible, this technique provides strategies and procedures to balance cost/scheduling of projects against plans and to minimize the risk of increased costs and time. Developing an efficient model in this regard entails using theoretical and academic concepts and merging them with practical capacities and experiences in performing projects. Additionally, this process tries to overcome executive limitations through providing practical feedback based on scientific concepts. Applying the technique of EVM for a civil project, this study is an attempt to reveal the real effects of EVM on optimizing the management parameters costand scheduling on enhancing management capacity.


updating, Earned Value, control, cost, scheduling

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